8H00 – 16H30
Abidjan | Cocody 2 Plateaux
7è Tranche en face de Georges V
L’Allemagne accueille les travailleurs qualifiés du monde entier les bras ouverts. Le gouvernement souhaite les attirer sur le marché du travail allemand par le biais d’une législation moderne en matière d’immigration.
As a librarian, there are certain moments that stick with me. When one of my students unexpectedly gave me a mutinous look, I knew it was the start of one of them.
What to do after College, The answer isn’t to get a real job! Unemployment rates remain high in lots of countries. Even in the US, where the job market is currently strong, unemployment for those with a recent Bachelor’s degree or higher was 3.9 percent in December 2019.
The saying goes, “If you’ve met one individual with autism, you’ve met one.” As one person on the Autism spectrum may be highly verbal, another maybe non-verbal. As one may not be able to tolerate touch, another may be extremely tactile.
As a librarian, there are certain moments that stick with me. When one of my students unexpectedly gave me a mutinous look, I knew it was the start of one of them.
With the commitment to contribute to the development of Education of Vietnam by giving students the opportunity to study UK undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in an international learning environment in Vietnam, in the school year of 2020 – 2021, British University Vietnam has officially launched Lion’s Heart Scholarship specifically for disadvantaged students who always make great effort to overcome the difficulties in life.